Hello, my name is Kristian. I tend to go overboard when writing, but I’ll try to keep this introduction short. I may go into more specifics in future more dedicated blog posts.

I’ve been programming for about ten years, in various programming languages, and have been using Linux for years. I learn new skills by working on projects that are useful to me, especially if those skills are fun to learn.

One goal of mine is to have a phone that is truly open, both in hardware and software, whilst not not being inferior to modern iOS/Android phones. Working on this, and writing technical blog posts about this, will be some of the main topics that I will write about for now.

I’m by no means an expert in everything that I’ll write about, but I hope that by writing here will motivate and help both myself and others. Reading technical blog posts of other people have both helped and inspired me a lot.

I won’t restrict myself to purely technical blog posts, but for the foreseeable future, that will be most if not all of my posts.

In addition to blog posts, I’ll likely also maintain some pages that list data, e.g. the status of Pinephone Pro functionality (for me) as well as current issues I have, or lists of useful resources.